

Travel *


Wedding Venue

Dimora Ghirlandaio

Via Colleramole, 59, 50023 Colleramole Case Nuove FI, Italy

Traveling to Florence

Florence has a few airport options but the best airport to fly into is Amerigo Vespucci Airport. Our venue is located 20 min away from this airport as well as 25 min from heart of florence.

Commuting to our venue

Transportation will be provided on the day of the wedding, further details to come. Check back here for more updates. For our welcome dinner, we recommend grabbing a cab.

Places to stay


Places to stay *

Hotel La Gemma

La Gemma Hotel is the perfect place to stay in Florence. Located in the heart of the romantic city, the hotel is surrounded by history and culture, allowing you to immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind atmosphere.

The Place Firenze

Under the ownership and management of the Babini family, who, together with the General Manager Claudio Meli, have redesigned, step by step and detail by detail, a new model of Italian hospitality…a source of inspiration for many. 

Hotel Minerva

Fall into a blissful sleep at the Grand Hotel and wake up next to the façade of Santa Maria Novella, one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the center of Florence – so close you feel like you could touch the marble with the tip of your fingers. 97 rooms and suites, a meticulous design that combines art with modern Italian craftsmanship. From the most intimate rooms with a view, to duplex suites, to spacious family solutions.

Hotel Brunelleschi

Amongst all the various hotels in Florence, Brunelleschi Hotel is the only one that was created within a circular Byzantin tower of the 6th century and a medieval church, entirely reconstructed with a special care for maintaining the original characteristics of the two buildings.